Prescription Order Line Update

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For some years NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has worked with Duke medical centre to provide a Prescription Order Line telephone service for ordering repeat medication. This service was set up as a test service and has only been available to a few volunteer Sheffield general practices and their patients, including Duke medical centre.  The CCG has formally looked for an NHS provider to extend the Prescription Order Line to all general practices in the city but unfortunately has been unable to find one that meets the right criteria. 

Therefore, as we are unable to provide equal access to this service for all Sheffield patients, the CCG has taken the difficult decision to stop providing the Prescription Order Line to Duke medical Centre patients from 30 September 2021

We understand that this will mean a change to how you can order your repeat medication and we and the CCG would like to know how this will affect you and what support you may need to order your medicines in the future.